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Voices from participants in the workshop "Learning, teaching and supervision in clinical nursing"


Updated: Nov 30, 2022

The CABNEI workshop "Learning, teaching and supervision in clinical nursing" (WP2.2.5) took place in Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, from September 12 - 16 2022. Here are some reflections from two of the participants.

Ns. Dewi Hermawati, Nurse Educator

Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University

Aceh, Indonesia

Thank you for choosing me to write down a reflection from the current workshop from the CABNEI project in Aceh, Indonesia. First of all, I am very happy being one participant in this workshop. I found a big significant difference that happened to me. At the first year of workshop, I gained a lot of knowledge related to nursing theories and competencies in nursing which impacted me to have competency as nursing educator that able to facilitate learning process in nursing. I also joined local workshop with aim to disseminate those knowledge to our nursing students and follow other local workshop from CABNEI program. Even though the pandemic situation was occurring but we were very active to participate at all those online programs with a very enthusiastic. Then, I was also very excited to join the following second year of a workshop that covered social theories of learning, problem based learning and how to apply methods of teaching and supervision in clinical nursing. These programs were very useful for me to select an appropriate method that can enhance the ability of our nursing students to achieve their learning objectives. It was an excellent workshop where all participants were working together to practice a simulation method in teaching. For five days of workshop, I learned a lot from the experts as well as gaining more confidence in conducting teaching. All participants had a time to get to know each other in this offline workshop that makes us happier. I believe all the contents provided by the expert in this workshop will transform me to be a very good nurse educator with competence ability in creating a great teaching and learning in the nursing profession that further contributes to the development of nursing profession in my country. At the end, I would like to say thank you very much for the process of changing that CABNEI offered for me as a nurse in Aceh, Indonesia.

Ns. Dewi Hermawati, Nurse Educator

Ns. Heri Eka Putra, Clinical Instructor

I had a worderful experience while attending CABNEI workshop. CABNEI workshop increased my knowledge about learning, teaching, and supervision for nursing student. The simulation during workshop make me realized that simulation type of studying have a lot of benefit for student, clinical instructor and lecturer. Simulation give opportunities for student to express their feeling about their learning experience and also give a feed back for a better learning process. Lecturer can also give a specific suggestion for a better skill.

Ns. Heri Eka Putra, Clinical Instructor

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