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Quality Improvement of Nursing Education

International conference

Banda Aceh, Indonesia 6th - 8th of June 2023

To raise and discuss competence of nurse educators and their ability to facilitate learning that will strengthen the quality of nursing programs and improve nurses´ability to address various health issues for the population.


The related Capacity Building in Nursing Education in Indonesia (CABNEI) project, aims to empower the teachers in nursing education and to spread innovative teaching methods. 


The conference is the conclusion of the CABNEI-project (Capacity Building in Nursing Education in Indonesia) which aims to empower teachers in nursing education and to spread innovative teaching methods. Aspects regarding equity and respect between different health professions and their specific competencies are important for the future development of nursing curriculum.

Keynote speakers


Dr. Amelia Tuipulotu

Chief Nurse Officer

World Health Organization


Harif Fadihlah

Head of the Indonesian National

Nursing Association


Agus Setiawan

Dean, Faculty of Nursing Indonesia University - Head of the Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Center


Margret Lepp

Professor emerita, University of Gothenburg, Sweden - Professor , Innland University of Applied Sciences  & Østfold University College

Oili Dahl

Head of the Swedish Nursing Association


Vigdis Abrahamsen Grøndahl

Professor in Nursing Science at Østfold University College 


Ann Karin Helgesen

Professor in Nursing Science at Østfold University College 


Tira Aswitama

MD at UNICEF, Aceh Province




Short video about the Conference 

Speed interview with chair of the conference

Speed interview with conference participants

Speed interview with conference participants

Keynote speakers

Speed interview with conference participants

Keynote session with Oili Dahl, President of the Swedish Nursing Association. 

Keynote session with Dr. Amanda Tuipulotu , Chief Nurse officer, World Health Organisation

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