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Director of Poltekkes Aceh T. Iskandar Faisal S.Kp M.Kes officially opened the International Workshop entitled Developing A Project Plan For Developmental Work which was held for 5 days from 13-17 February 2023 at Nursing Department Campus of the Aceh Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health in Banda Aceh City. In his remarks, he thanked Professor Jan Nilsson as Project Leader, who appointed Poltekkes Aceh as the host for the second time for an international workshop in 2023. He hopes that the collaboration that has been established can continue in the future because it is considered as urgently needed in order to increase the capacity and quality of lecturers, strengthen cooperation, and to open the possibility for student exchanges with foreign universities.

Professor Jan Nilsson Project Leader summarized the achievements made during the first and second year of the project. Despite the situation with the Covid-19 pandemic, the project activities have been accomplished using digital tools, and later on physical meetings in both Indonesia and Scandinavia. He further stated that the CABNEI project is important, as it contributes to global quality improvement of nursing education in line with the World Health Organizations strategic directions 2021-2025. The project also has a clear connection to the UN Development Goals and contributes especially to goal number 3: Health and Well-being and goal number: 4 Quality education. The CABNEI project will be concluded in June 2023 by an international conference focusing on Quality Improvement in Nursing Education, which will be held in Banda Aceh. Keynote speakers will come from the WHO, and the Indonesian National Nursing Association.

According to Dr Dewi Marianthi S.Kp M.Kep.Sp.Mat as a member of the Quality Control group and Head of the Department of Nursing at Poltekkes, the activity for developing project plans was included in Work Package (WP) 2.3.2 of the Capacity Building In Nursing Education in Indonesia (CABNEI) project, co-funded by The Erasmus+ Program of The European Union since the beginning of the year 2021 until mid-2023. The project involved four countries and eight universities.

Dr Hermansyah SKM MPH as the Committee Coordinator goes on to state that the activity was also facilitated by eight Change Agents from four health education institutions in Aceh Province, along with ten professors from Scandinavian countries who attended this workshop.The professors were Birthe Thorø, andLea Deichmann Nielsenfrom University College South (UC Syd) Denmark; Desirée Burenlind, Johanna Svärd, and Anna Willmanfrom Karlstad University (KAU) Sweden; Jan Nilsson and Randi Elisabeth Martinsen from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) Norway, along with Astrid Birgitte Wevling, Inger Marie Tjøstolvsen, and Liv Berit Fagerli from Østfold University College, Norway (HiØ) Norway. They provided material and shared their experiences with 19 Nurse Educators from the Faculty of Nursing USK, Faculty of Public Health UNMUHA, Nursing Academy Ibnu Sina Sabang, and Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh. The expected end result of this activity is an increase in the knowledge and abilities of lecturers in developing aproject plan for their developmental work.

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